Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I got the prize in tournament

I was a leader in my university soccer team. I love playing soccer.

I'm not that good player, but I enjoy and I can lead team well.

So when I was the leader, in 2006 autumn, our team had won in a tournament.

Our schedule was so tight, so we had to get 12 games in every 2 days, so we were so tough.

In the final match, we got exhausted, but we played very well.

Finally, we got the prize and it was $5 thousands.

Now I can't play, but I'll play again, when I go back to Korea, and also I'll get the prize again.


Kristi said...

I wish I could play soccer. It looks like so much fun! I have terrible hand-eye or foot-eye coordination though. I don't think anyone would want me on their team :(

Sary said...

I also love playing football, but I do not do very well. .for three months a treined in my university, with my geophysics friends.. but I was a very bad player that I had to leave the team =(

My favorite sport is table tennis.. I practiced by 6 years and I win several awards! I would like to play one of these days l with you, I think that every Wednesday all the ESL students play at the gym..