Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I got the prize in tournament

I was a leader in my university soccer team. I love playing soccer.

I'm not that good player, but I enjoy and I can lead team well.

So when I was the leader, in 2006 autumn, our team had won in a tournament.

Our schedule was so tight, so we had to get 12 games in every 2 days, so we were so tough.

In the final match, we got exhausted, but we played very well.

Finally, we got the prize and it was $5 thousands.

Now I can't play, but I'll play again, when I go back to Korea, and also I'll get the prize again.

Friday, February 15, 2008

When I went to NYC!!

I was burned...How stupid...I didn't put on suncream, during the trip.

Even I went the NY stadium.

Anyway, I went there in 2006 for free.

How come?

The university, which I'm taking class in Korea, gave me the trip, coz it wanted me to learn

about international society.

So, I went there with university partners.

We are pretty close, so we put almost food together with Kimchi which is Korean traditional food.
That's kind of stink, when you smell it, but it's delicious.

At first, In the airport, I was looking for my luggage then I found it's cover was cracked.

Also the smell was so stinking...

Anyway, we arrived NY, and had fun with american culture, especially in club!!

Also I saw Beyonce in club!! She was so cool~!!!

We'd stayed there only for 3weeks, so we didn't have time to go outside of the city.

We decided that we enjoy everything in Manhattan.

So, we went Broadway, Timesquare, United Nation centre, NY public library, and Statue of liberty so on...

I thought that was so nice...

That trip was a unbelivable memory for me.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I'm Korean

If you have ever met Korean in your life, you know, one of Korea tradion is asking age.

We would like to ask you age. Sometimes it is kind a rude to foreigner.

You never understand why Korean like asking age to stranger.

But there is some reasons.

First of all, We(Korean) have different way to response, whether someone is older than me or not.

If someone is younger than me, I look down on him??

Ofcourse not!!

Since mankind appear in Korea, we follow that tradition for 5 thousand years.

If stranger is older than me, we respect him as much as we can.

If you went Korea or Japan, you could see that young people compromise to senior in public.

However, Ofcourse other country people do that, especially in Korean that's a kind of like essential.

Secondly, We have different way to say. We have 4 kind of languege. It's devided to kid, young, Junior and senior.

So we should ask him, in order to choose a languege in 4.

These reason are made us to ask your age.

I think that it's similar with that when you meet someone, you ask their habby.

There are some other reasons, but i'm gonna stop here.

Anyway, I love Korea tradition and i have lot's of pride in my country.

Especially, languege.

If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask me please.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

I hope she wed

Hi everyone, I'm Randy. How's it going.

Are you having great class these days?